It is that time of year again when millions of people resolve to lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier, accomplish new goals, or quit a bad habit. While these are all great goals, shouldn’t driving safely be just as big of a priority?
People die on our roadways every day; too many people. Every person who dies is a loss to someone; they are a mother or father, sister or brother, husband or wife. Over the course of a lifetime, nearly every U.S. resident is touched by consequences of traffic crashes. Sadly, many of those accidents are preventable.
As we begin 2016, Lawsuit Financial urges all of its readers, experienced drivers and new ones, to commit to improving their driving habits by joining AAA Michigan in these resolutions. We know most of these will be familiar to many drivers, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth repeating.
- Resolve to buckle up – every person, every seat, every time.
- Resolve to drive safe and sober; no alcohol or other drug use.
- Resolve to drive distraction-free. Avoid cell phone use, eating, grooming, and other distractions.
- Resolve to slow down and obey posted speed limits and other traffic laws.
- Resolve to move over for emergency vehicles. Responders on the side of the road need space to work safely.
- Resolve to use signals and headlights properly. Safe driving requires being visible to others and letting them know of your driving intentions.
- Resolve to look out for motorcycles, bicyclists and pedestrians. Fatal crashes involving these groups are increasing dramatically.
- Resolve to avoid road rage. Drive with a relaxed, positive attitude.
- Resolve to set good examples for young drivers.
- Resolve to do your part to help drive Michigan toward zero traffic deaths.
Remember: Driving is a privilege, not a right. When you take the keys to a car, you take the responsibility for your safety, the safety of those who ride with you and those who share the road with you. Keeping these resolutions will make you a safer driver in 2016.
Mark Bello is the CEO and General Counsel of Lawsuit Financial Corporation, a pro-justice lawsuit funding company.